Women Speakers Database
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    Kim Good-Jacobson
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    Monash University
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    Tenured Faculty
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    Associate Professor Kim Jacobson leads the B cells, Antibody, Memory laboratory at Monash University, investigating epigenetic modifiers underlying the formation of immune memory to acute or chronic infection. She is a Bellberry-Viertel Fellow and former Victorian Young Tall Poppy Science Award recipient. A/Prof Jacobson completed her PhD at the Centenary and Garvan Institutes in 2007. She undertook her postdoctoral training at Yale University, where she revealed a novel role for the inhibitory receptor PD-1 in humoral responses, and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. She has made key insights into genetic and epigenetic regulation of B cell memory, as well as discovering how antibody-secreting cells turn on the appropriate molecular program to migrate to their survival niche and provide lifelong protection. Her work has been published in Science, Nature Immunology and the Journal of Experimental Medicine.