Statutes of FIMSA
STATUTE 1 - Name
Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania, abbreviated as FIMSA. 
STATUTE 2 - Office and Headquarters
The official address and office of the Federation shall be that of the Secretary-General unless the council decides otherwise from time to time.

(N.B. The permanent archives of the Federation will be maintained by the Indian Immunology Society Headquarters at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi). 
STATUTE 3 - Regional Coverage
The region shall include Asia and all Western Pacific countries (Oceania). 
STATUTE 4 - Affiliation
The Federation shall be affiliated to the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and shall help the latter in achieving its goals in the region. The President of the Federation or a nominee shall be the representative in the IUIS meetings. 
STATUTE 5 - Objectives and Purpose
FIMSA is constituted to foster the development of immunology in the region. To this purpose, the Federation will promote close contact and interaction between immunological societies of the Asian and Oceania region and facilitate the exchange of scientific information and personnel. The Federation is a non-profit organization. Its activities will be consistent with the statutes of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).

FIMSA will strive toward the furtherance of its aims and objectives, which are:
1. To promote communication and collaborate between immunologists in the region.
2. To organize workshops and conferences in the field of immunology.
3. To conduct educational programmes, training courses and promote exchange of scientists in the overall interest of the advancement of Immunology in the region.
4. To facilitate the exchange of technologies and reagents within the region.
5. To support the publication of journals, monographs etc.
6. To do all such things that are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives. 
STATUTE 6 - Membership
All immunological Societies and Associations within the region defined in statute 3 above who are members of the IUIS, are eligible to become members of FIMSA. Founding Members will be those who joined the Federation in 1992. All members of the constituent societies shall be members ipso facto of the Federation.
6.1   Observers
Societies and Associations not eligible for membership may apply to the Federation to become Observers. They will be eligible to participate in activities of the Federation. 
STATUTE 7 - Governing Council
FIMSA will be managed by delegates elected one each by member societies. These delegates, termed Councillors will elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary General and a Treasurer from within or outside the council. This group will eventually constitute the Governing council.

The Council may appoint subcommittees and working parties or co-opt ex-officio members as it sees fit or co-opt additional members.
7.1   Terms of Office
The Governing council shall maintain office for a term of 3 years. The members shall serve one term and may be re-elected for one succeeding term but may not be re-elected to the same office thereafter.
7.1.1   The President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation, shall preside over all meetings of the council and shall be the spokesperson for the Federation. The President will hold office for one term only.
7.1.2   The Vice President
The two Vice Presidents shall assist the President and one of them designated by the council shall substitute for the President whenever necessary.
7.1.3   The secretary-General
The Secretary-General shall assist the President, handle correspondence, maintain all records, be responsible for the minutes of council meetings, preserve the signed and originals of all relevant documents, prepare and maintain agenda of the council meetings, receive and process applications for membership of the Federation and fulfill any other duties assigned by the Council and the President.
The office of the Secretary-General will act as the Headquarters of the Federation.
7.1.4   The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the finances and valuable effects of the Federation and full and accurate accounting of receipts and disbursement in account books belonging to the Federation. The Treasurer shall open bank accounts of the Federation and be co-signatory on such accounts along with the Secretary General. The Treasurer shall render audited statement of the accounts to the Council at its annual meetings. The accounts will be maintained in an international Bank in an easily convertible currency.
7.2   Vacancies in the Governing Council
Should the office of the President fall vacant, one of the Vice Presidents designated by the Council shall become the President and shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Should the office of the Secretary-General or Treasurer fall vacant, the President shall if deemed necessary and in consultation with the Council, appoint from among the existing Council members one to serve that office as Secretary-General or Treasurer for the remainder of the unexpired term. This will not debar these individuals to seek the same office for a regular term.
7.3   Election
The Council will be re-elected every three years. Each member society will nominate one person on the Council. This group of Councillors will then elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-General and a Treasurer either from within or without the Council.
7.4   Subcommittees, Working Groups
The council shall from time to time constitute various subcommittees or Working Groups as it feels necessary for the smooth conduct of its activities of interest. The Chairperson of these subcommittees will be appointed by the President with approval of the Council. The Chairperson will then appoint members of the committee as he/she may feel necessary in consultation with the President. The President or his nominee will be a member ex-officio of all subcommittees and Working Groups.
The Chairman of each committee shall submit an annual report, budget and financial statement to the Council. The committees will serve for a period of one term. 
STATUTE 8 - Council Meetings and Quorum
The council shall meet as often as necessary, preferably once a year to regulate and transact the affairs of the Federation. A Quorum at a meeting of the Council shall consist of half of its members, at least one of whom shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary-General or Treasurer.
8.1     Notice of Meetings
The Secretary-General shall give notice of any Council meeting to each member of the council by air mail/fax, stating proposed agenda of the meeting not less than ninety (90) days before the date of the meeting. 
STATUTE 9 - Language
The official language of the Federation shall be English. 
STATUTE 10 - Amendment of the STATUTES
Any amendments to the statutes can be made by two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Governing Council provided that the proposed amendment is submitted to all Council members at least ninety (90) days prior to the meeting. In the event of a vote by mail, at least sixty (60) days time shall elapse following receipt of the proposed amendment by the member before the mail vote is counted. 
STATUTE 11 - Termination of Membership
A member society may resign or be expelled from membership of FIMSA for any action that the Council considers inimical to the interest of the Federation. Such resignation or expulsion must be accepted by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Governing Council before the membership of that society ceases formally. 
STATUTE 12 - Assets of the Federation
If for any reason the Federation is dissolved or ceases to exist, all assets shall become the property of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). 
STATUTE 13 - Finances
The Federation will be supported by grants from International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS), International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) donations or voluntary contributions from scientific bodies/institutions. The Treasurer shall keep an account of budget expenses, estimate income, recommend dues and investigate sources of income in consultation with the members of the Governing Council. The Governing Council shall constitute a finance committee who will make possible efforts to raise funds for the activities of the Federation. The Treasurer will provide a full report to the Council annually. 
STATUTE 14 - Registration
At an appropriate time, the Federation will be registered in one of the countries decided by the Council.